What lengths am I willing to go to in order to do right by every child?


The big words in my WordItOut are care, students, culturally, responsive, and classroom. Before I get into the ideas, I want to point out the layout of the words. I kept regenerating different layouts and when I came across this one I paused and I read the big words as a sentence. In my head I read, "when you care for students you are creating a culturally responsive classroom." Then all the little words fill up the space to create a culturally responsive classroom. One of the articles that stood out to me the most was, "Cultural responsiveness starts with real caring" by Zaretta Hammond. Hammond explains that when students feel cared for in the classroom their bodies are in a more relaxed state, which means they are more apt to learning (Hammond, 2013, paragraph 9).  She then explains that when students do not feel cared for their bodies are more apt to go into fight or flight mode (Hammond, 2013, paragraph 10). This stuck out to me because I will have students that come from different backgrounds and home lives. I may not relate to them or be able to understand their situation completely, but I can show them care and support in the classroom to let them know they are not alone. Hammond also states, "How do we show care as culturally responsive educators? By building rapport and a sense of connection, but also by showing “tough love” when necessary" (Hammond, 2013, paragraph 12). This means that as teachers we need to interact with our students and learn more about them. We need to go deeper than the surface level. When you create these relationships with your students they will respect you and learn from you. It is important that every student feels seen and heard; that they feel safe in the classroom.

Works Cited

Hammond, Z. (2013, February 8). Cultural responsiveness starts with real caring. Learning For Justice. Cultural Responsiveness Starts with Real Caring | Learning for Justice


  1. Hi Taryn! I loved reading your blog you did a great job talking about the articles and about your own experience as well. Therefore I did like reading about how you envisioned your words from the assignment and made it into a sentence. Another thing that stood out to me in your blog was the article that you mentioned about how students body's become more relaxed because they feel cared for. That really help with the idea of how I want to treat my future students. This also made me realize that back in high school I would be relaxed and less anxious when it comes to the classes where the teachers made me feel comfortable with who I am as a person, and listened to my thoughts and opinions. As a person who is not good with tough love towards the students what are some examples that you would use?

    1. Hi Aly! Thank you for commenting on my blog, I appreciate it so much! I totally agree and relate when you say that when teachers made you feel more comfortable you were more relaxed. I was a good kid in school, but I remember when I had teachers that did not make me feel comfortable in the class I would act out more. I think that showing tough love as a teacher is having honest conversations with students and talking to them as humans and not as "children." Meaning if a student does something wrong you discipline as needed, but then you talk to them in private and explain exactly why they are in trouble.

  2. Hi, Taryn. I loved your blog post, it was very well thought out and had very good points. I really like how much thought you put into your word it out. It shows how passionate you are about creating a culturally responsive classroom. I agree that we need to connect with the students on a deeper level in order to teach them. Thank you for this post!

    1. Hi Lorna! Thank you for taking time out of your day to comment on my blog! I am excited to be a teacher and take all of this knowledge we are learning into the classroom. I hope I can make connections and create real relationships with my students.

  3. Hi Taryn! Excellent post, I think that it is so important to note that in your wordit collage, some of the most prevalent words were "student" "care" and "culturally". These main words I believe are what the main take-aways from this module were and each quote you use captures this perfectly. Even if you cannot relate to every single student, it is our role to make every student feel seen and cared for! :)


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