Why Teach?

  For as long as I can remember I have said that I wanted to be a teacher, specifically a Special Education teacher. There are two main reasons I can think of that have influenced my thoughts and feelings about this throughout my life. The first reason which influences my decision to work in the Special Education department is that my mother was a Special Education teacher at the elementary school I attended. I loved that she worked at the school I went to because I had more opportunities to interact with the students in her classroom. I was able to get to know the students and help them in the mornings and afternoons with arrival and dismissal. I can remember in the afternoons when we would be dismissed from class, I would run to my mom’s classroom to try to get there in time to help. I am not sure how to explain it, but it's a feeling I get when I think about teaching Special Education and it feels as if that is what I am meant to be. The second reason, which is why I want to be a general education teacher is because all throughout pre-k, elementary, and middle school I had the most amazing, thoughtful teachers. They impacted me more than I could explain. My first-grade teacher, Mrs. Herron, was a walking ray of sunshine. She poured love into her students every chance she got. She made me feel seen and welcome even after I was not her student. I remember thinking I want to be her one day. As I have mentioned I am wanting to teach Special Education and General Education. I have chosen to get my degree in Early Childhood Education and minor in Special Education. This gives me the opportunity to work with all students in the school. I would love to be a General Education teacher in an inclusive classroom, where I can teach students with and without disabilities.


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